We offer multiple opportunities for you to worship God and to grow in your faith.

Sunday Morning
Our main worship service happens on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. During this service, you will hear traditional hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal and musical selections offered by the Druid Hills UMC Choir. Special music and choir anthems are offered regularly. We will also share a time of lifting up prayer concerns and praises. A sermon is offered by the pastor that draws from the scriptures and offers an application for our lives today.
Sunday school begins at 11:00 AM. We currently have two adult classes that study the Bible and discuss their thoughts on the lesson. You will find this an engaging and informative time for study.

Wednesday Afternoon
Wednesdays at Druid Hills are very informal and takes place in our fellowship hall. The evening begins with a snack fellowship at 3 PM. This includes a time of informal study that may be on a specific topic relating to scripture or on a book of the Bible itself. This is a time of fellowship and growth where you are always free to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in an informal and comfortable setting