United Methodist Women
Second Tuesday of the Month 12PM
The women of Druid Hills meet to study, grow and support one another as they increase their faith. Additionally, the UMW group seeks to serve in and out of the walls of Druid Hills. United Methodist Women is open to all women who call Druid Hills UMC their church home.
Men’s Club
Second Tuesday of the Month at 10 AM
Druid Hill UMC’s Men’s Club meets to support and encourage one another as well as to grow in their faith. The men have a time of devotion, fellowship, and plan for special projects within the church and outside of its walls.
Wesley House Food Assistance
Second Thursday of the Month 10AM – 1PM
To combat the problem of food insecurity in our neighborhood, Druid Hills UMC has partnered with Wesley House Community Center to provide food assistance in the form of bags filled with basic foods. In order to qualify, those seeking assistance must provide a valid form of ID and be willing to submit some information for Wesley House’s record keeping. See more here.