Where is Druid Hills UMC located?
We are located in the Druid Hills area of Meridian, Mississippi. Our physical address is 3565 State Blvd., at the intersection of State Boulevard and 54th Place.

When is your worship service?
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 11:00 AM. We also have a Sunday evening service at 6:00. You can find out more about our services here.

Where can I park?
We have a spacious parking lot adjacent to the main building. Park anywhere you would like!

How would you describe your worship service?
Our worship service has an emphasis on music, prayer, and preaching. We share some announcements and then transition into times of singing and prayer. Our music consists mainly of traditional hymns found in the United Methodist Hymnal. We also affirm our faith using a creed, typically the Apostle’s Creed. God’s word is proclaimed with a sermon that seeks to help you grow in your spiritual life and to prepare you to serve Christ in the world.

What should I wear?
Whatever you like. Dress in a way that you believe is appropriate and comfortable.

When do you offer Holy Communion?
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Communion may also be offered at other times, such as on Christmas Eve or Maundy Thursday.

Can I take Holy Communion even though I am not a member of Druid Hills?
Yes. The table belongs to Jesus Christ, not us. Therefore, all are welcome to receive Holy Communion.

As a visitor, will I be singled out?
No. We will not single you out in any way because we want you to feel right at home. We do ask that you fill out an information card so that we can get to know you and your family better but this is not mandatory.

What about my kids?
We are evaluating our children’s ministries to suit the needs of the community and the congregation. We would love for your kids and their friends to be part of it!

Do you offer Sunday School?
Yes. Sunday school begins at 9:45 AM.

What are your beliefs?
We share many common beliefs with Christians worldwide as expressed in creeds like the Apostle’s Creed. One of our distinctives is our rich Wesleyan heritage. For more information, please click on our Beliefs page. You may also visit the United Methodist Church’s website to read even more about United Methodist beliefs.

What about baptism?
We baptize babies and children (by parental request) and adults by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. If you are interested in baptism, please speak with the pastor.

I have other questions. Can I talk to someone?
Of course. Click here to send us an email .