I don’t know if y’all have heard about the God movement in Kentucky that is happening, but it’s a really big deal. Wednesday before last, students gathered at Asbury University for chapel service. Chapel is required and students have very few absences allowed so it started out as a normal worship service. However, after the benediction, students didn’t leave. They stayed and continued to worship.
The word transformed means a change into another form; a transformation; a change of countenance; a complete change. I believe that a change is occurring today. People are being transformed! They are surrendering their bodies, minds, and wills to God and letting him transform them from the inside out. This is the Sanctification that John Wesley talked about. It is the process where we become more like Jesus.
Jesus is our model in all things, even – and maybe especially -in times such as these. Let me ask you a question. Would Jesus have been able to reach the woman about her sin if he had gotten angry and threatened to stone her? No. Just as He showed love to her, so we need to show love to others trapped in sin and give the Holy Spirit a chance to transform them.
There are those who say that this movement at Asbury was manufactured by someone. I’ve even heard the argument from more progressive Christians that, since this movement began at Asbury, it is a conservative plot designed to prove to the liberals that God is on the side of the conservatives. And yes, I’ve seen more conservative Christians say that this is the reason that God began this movement at Asbury – to prove to progressives that God is on their side.
The thing is, this kind of thinking says this movement is under the power of humans, not God and I just can’t credit humans with the ability to generate the excitement required for a worship service that continues for a week and a half.
Personally, what I think we are seeing is a Pentecostal experience. Unlike Pentecost in Acts though, the Holy Spirit hasn’t necessarily descended on the campus. The Holy Spirit is already there just like he is everywhere that believers are. I think that the students allowed the Holy Spirit free reign in the service and in them.
Last week our text contained a quoter from Habakkuk 1:5. Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
God is doing something amazing! Will the movement turn into revival that brings change? Time will tell. But, much like Gamaliel told the council to be cautious in Acts five when the Jewish leaders were considering putting Peter to death, if this movement is of human origin, it will fail. However, if it is from God, men can’t stop it. Trying to stop it will only result in a fight with God.
There is a lesson for every believer. God can and will reveal the glory of Jesus anytime and anywhere! I think he is constantly trying to get through our busy lives and reach us. But, we are so busy and our lives are so cluttered by the noise of life, we don’t allow ourselves to give up control and give ourselves over to God.
Sermon Audio
Prayers and Reflection
Mississippi Annual Conference Bible Reading Challenge
Sunday: Numbers 18-20, Monday: Numbers 21-22, Tuesday: Numbers 23-25, Wednesday: Numbers 26-27, Thursday: Numbers 28-30, Friday: Numbers 31-32, Saturday: Numbers 33-34, Sunday: Numbers 35-36
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