Matthew 3:1-12
Sunday before last, I was fussing about 24/7 Christmas music before Thanksgiving and I said I wasn’t ready for Christmas. Now we are three weeks before Christmas and I’m still not ready for what most people think of when asked if they are ready for Christmas. My tree isn’t out and decorated, I haven’t pulled out lights to check or hang. I haven’t started shopping for presents or ingredients for yummy goodies.
But, that’s OK. These things will get done…or they won’t. Generally there’s a thing or two on my checklist that doesn’t get done and nobody knows but me so no biggie.
However, if you ask me if I am ready for Christmas meaning am I ready for Christ’s return, I would answer yes, for the most part. I don’t have a checklist of the things I need to do to get ready for Jesus on my refrigerator. But I probably should. Christians can get as caught up as anyone in the hubbub, stress, and worry over the holiday of Christmas. Sure, we may share Facebook memes that tell people to put Christ back in Christmas or stress Jesus is the reason for the season or get verbal when a clerk tells us happy holidays instead of merry Christmas, but that doesn’t mean that the arrival of our Savior is at the forefront of our thoughts. And, it doesn’t mean that we are checking our checklist to determine if we are ready for His return.
Y’all know that we do have a checklist for that right? It may not be on our refrigerator, but we do have one and it’s right here in the Bible.
Sermon Audio
Daily Prayers
Thanks to Creighton University for the daily Advent prayers.

Dear Lord, Through the darkness, I look for your wisdom. I want my heart to be open to you. But sometimes in these days, it seems that so many things come between us. Help me to be awake and aware of the radiance you bring to my life. Help me to be grateful each day for the blessings of family and friends. Let me be a peacemaker in my own life, and in the world. Let me pray especially for this difficult world and those who are so in need of an end to violence. My heart begs for this as my Advent prayer today.
Almighty God, I hear it over and over: you are coming to me. I feel my heart stir in anticipation, and I sense that you are inviting me to enter more deeply into the mystery of your birth. Help me to feel renewed patience settle in my heart, and to lift my face in joy. I have been like a lost lamb, but I hear your voice calling me and I feel how deeply you want me to return. Somehow I know that you rejoice in my desire to find you. Help me not to be afraid to say out loud, to believe: Here is God, coming into my life.
Lord, like a loving parent, you offer me your comforting hand and tell me not to be afraid. Help me to wait for your coming with patience and to listen to what you ask of me. I want so much to be one of “your people” and to live my life in you. Thank you for the way you bless my life. Thank you for listening to my prayers and for planting deep in my heart the knowledge that with you, nothing is impossible.
God of Strength, I need your courage. You offer to make firm the knees that are weak. Only you know how frightened I so often am. And you do offer me strength. There is the promise of your Son’s coming and knowing that you will save me. I can’t do this on my own no matter how often I think I can. Give me the humility to ask for your help and open heart to accept your healing and love in my life.
Jesus, I can see your special love of those who are so often invisible in this world. You sent your mother to give hope to the poor by appearing to Juan Diego. Open my heart to fill with compassion for those who are hungry and without dignity. Grant me the ability to live simply and to see you in the faces of those around me. In the darkness of these Advent nights let me be guided by the light of your word. Give me the humility to be led by you and the wisdom to learn from you. I am grateful for the Savior who awaits us, and eagerly await the time of rejoicing. Let me look forward in hope and turn to you with great trust, knowing you will guide my steps along the unknown path of this day.
Jesus, in the darkness of these Advent nights let me be guided by the light of your word. Give me the humility to be led by you and the wisdom to learn from you. I feel your light in my life and in the world. I am grateful for the Savior who awaits us, and eagerly await the time of rejoicing. Let me look forward in hope and turn to you with great trust, knowing you will guide my steps along the unknown path of this day.
Jesus, in the darkness of these Advent nights let me be guided by the light of your word. Give me the humility to be led by you and the wisdom to learn from you. I feel your light in my life and in the world. I am grateful for the Savior who awaits us, and eagerly await the time of rejoicing. Let me look forward in hope and turn to you with great trust, knowing you will guide my steps along the unknown path of this day.