Revelation 21:1-5
We, as Christians, live in a tenuous reality. We have one foot in the world and one foot in eternity. And there are times that the balance is difficult to maintain. We can find the world weighing heavy; dragging us into it and away from advent, away from what is coming.
Do we live like we have one foot in eternity, or do we live like we have one foot in the grave?
Often, we are like the disciples who, in Matthew 24:3, came to Christ privately asking Him for signs of the end of the age. Some find themselves asking God “when?” When Lord will you return and get us out of here? When will we not have to worry? Worry about all of the things going on in the world, the crime we hear about, the prices of things, our family, our jobs, our church?
Have you ever considered that when we are worrying about things and praying for our Lord’s return we are moving the foot we have in eternity closer to the foot we have in the world. We may think it’s the opposite, but, in reality, we aren’t focusing on what is coming – on advent – we are focusing on what we want to get away from here on earth.
While it doesn’t always, this year Thanksgiving falls three days before the start of Advent. What a great transition! We get the opportunity to be thankful as we move into the season of expectation, the season of hope while we wait on the coming of our Lord.
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Daily Prayers

Take the time this week to list the things for which you are thankful!