Putting First Things First

hopeI have spent a lot of time lately preaching about the Holy Spirit and his presence in our lives. I’ve done that because that is the first step in us becoming the people and the church that God wants us to be. Our faith starts with the Holy Spirit working on us as individuals. But, as I said last week, our faith cannot live in a vacuum. The Holy Spirit in us needs to connect with the Holy Spirit in others. Then, as individuals living with, acknowledging the power of the Holy Spirit, we come together as the Church and use the gifts from the Holy Spirit to reach our communities and cities. Then, along with other churches working under the Holy Spirit’s power, we reach the world.
If we, if our Church, is not the Bride of Christ…If we don’t love Christ with the highest, purest form of love, if we don’t love God as He loves us…If we don’t make covenant with God…we might as well be fishing because we aren’t the Bride of Christ, in fact, we barely know Him.

John 21:12-19

Sermon Audio