The text for this sermon has some of the most difficult to understand verses in the entire bible.Many of my commentaries skip Hebrews 6:4-12; the lectionary skips the entire chapter altogether. Why? Because these verses are hard to understand, and there is a lot of disagreement on them. Last week, the writer of Hebrews told us that it was time to move from milk to meat; it’s time to move from the elementary understandings of our faith and become mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Since saying that, he has wasted no time in moving to the meat of our faith. In fact, he has done so with exceptional quickness.
Understanding these verses means we must be willing to move from a faith that focuses solely on what Christ did for us and incorporate into our thinking what we do to Christ. That’s a hard transition! But, it is a transition we must make if we are going to begin taking our faith, commitment, and calling as Christians seriously.
If you care to, you can read the study materials for this sermon here. There is a ten question quiz on the text on that page or, if you want to skip the reading, you can go straight to the quiz here.
Sermon Audio