In 1990, 85% of adults in the United States identified themselves as Christians, in 2001, it had fallen to less than 82%, in 2012 it was down to 78%, in 2015 75% of adults in the United States identified themselves as Christians. In 25 years, the number of adults that identified as Christians had fallen 10%. In 1990, 17 out of 20 Americans called themselves Christians, in 2015, 15 out of 20 Americans called themselves Christians.
In Matthew 5:13, in the sermon on the mount, Jesus called us the “salt of the earth.”
I think those numbers prove that we, the salt, have lost our saltiness because that number should be going up not down.
If you were to add three quarters of a pound of salt to one pound of meat, the salt would totally overpower the meat. That’s what we should be doing in the world y’all, we should, as children of light, be overpowering the darkness and we are not.
Instead, we are sitting back and wringing our hands while we bemoan how things have changed, times have changed, Covid has changed things…..These aren’t reasons that the church isn’t what it was in the world, these are excuses for those still in the church!
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